Saturday, October 8, 2011

See you soon..

"You know, sometimes people need more time for themselves".

That's what I wrote on my Twitter about a week ago. After I heard that lotta my friends decided to move on and find their own way to living this life. I have a friend who have a dream, that someday, he has to go travelling around the world!He already went to Europe, and he has a plan that one day he would go to Japan and so on. He said that he wants to find peace of his own. Well I'm sure he will. Soon.

Then, one of my bestfriend, Icha, decided to move to Bali. Because she got a job there. And she said that she wants to living her new life there. In other word, she had enough with Jakarta. She will go by today. Luckily, last Tuesday we had met. With Cindy and also Dian, my friends at Time Out Jakarta. The truth is, I'm sad. Because I've never imagine before that Icha will be leaving. She's one of that girl who's fun to hang with! I always went to the concert with her, and then just had a window shopping, or she had slept over in my house. Huhu, I'm sure I am going to miss you Icha. But I know, and we all know that maybe this is the best way. I hope you will enjoy your days there. And find your true happiness :)

People have their dreams. And so do I. If we talk about travelling, then I would have to say : One day before I die, I really have to go to Italy, Spinx, Greece, and London. I have to go to Abbey Road. I have to go to Liverpool. I have to go to the place that The Beatles came from. I have to. Yes, I have to.

Maybe it's true, we all people sometimes really need our own peaceful. Just to let know that are we really depending on someone else? Or we can through this life by ourselves?  

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right.
I hope you had the time of your life"


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