Today's the last day on 2017. And hello 2018!
Wish me luck for everything. Have a bless one, peeps ❤
Girl With An Attitude
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
ASUS Vivo Book Flip 14 TP41OUR
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pic from Google |
Menulis adalah salah satu hobi saya yang bisa dibilang sudah sangat mendarah daging dalam diri saya. Sejak saya duduk dibangku Sekolah Dasar, saya sudah sangat cinta dengan menulis. Rasa cinta saya pada dunia menulis kemudian saya tuangkan ke dalam buku Diary. Selain puisi dan sajak, cerita pendek pun tidak lupa saya tulis. Sampai akhirnya saya membuat blog sendiri, sehingga saya bisa lebih puas menuangkan ide-ide saya. Keinginan untuk menerbitkan sebuah buku pun akhirnya dapat saya wujudkan sekitar 2 tahun lalu. Saya berhasil menerbitkan novel perdana saya.
Namun, rasa puas saya tidak hanya sampai disitu. Semakin banyaknya ide untuk dituangkan pada sebuah tulisan, saya merasa semakin butuh gadget yang dapat membuat saya lebih praktis dalam menulis. Maka dari itu, laptop canggih ASUS Vivo Book Flip TP410UR merupakan pilihan yang pas. Laptop ini merupakan perangkat 2-in-1 yang dapat digunakan layaknya laptop biasa ataupun tablet. ASUS VivoBook Flip 14 TP410UR juga dilengkapi dengan chip prosesor Intel Core i7-7500U. Dan yang paling seru, laptop ini sudah terinstall dengan Windows 10 asli! Selain itu, saya tidak perlu khawatir, karena laptop ini sudah digaransi selama 2 tahun oleh ASUS. ☺
Nah, jadi menurut saya, jika saya menggunakan laptop canggih seperti ini, saya akan lebih maksimal dalam menulis. Saya akan lebih bisa explore kreatifitas saya saat menulis blog, karena laptop ini dapat bertransformasi ke dalam empat bentuk. Selain menjadi tablet, saya juga dapat menggunakannya menjadi sebuah laptop biasa dan dua bentuk lain dengan memutarnya hingga 360 derajat, yakni tablet, dan standing display. Meksipun saya kurang suka main game, tapi saya rasa laptop ini dapat membuat saya bisa suka bermain game. Karena bentuknya yang praktis dan handy.
Untuk spesifikasi, laptop ini sendiri mempunyai berat 1,6 kg dan ketebalan 14,8 mm. Selain itu memiliki bodi yang cukup unik degan ukuran sebesar 13 inch, namun memiliki bentang layar display sebesar 14 inch. Resolusi nya pun sudah Full HD (1920 x 1080) pixel.
Yang paling penting adalah, jika sudah ada gadget canggih seperti ini, saya dapat menulis kapan saja dan dimana saja. Siapa tau dengan ASUS Vivo Book Flip 14 TP410UR, membuat saya bisa menerbitkan novel kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya, hihi.
Kalau kamu sendiri bagaimana? Kira-kira apa fungsi ASUS VivoBook Flip 14 TP410UR bagi kamu?
Girl With An Attitude
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
My 2018 Resolution
Jika dipikir-pikir, satu tahun hampir berlalu. Tahun yang lama akan berganti menjadi tahun yang baru. Yang mungkin akan membuat kita menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi. Setiap manusia selalu mempunyai harapan, doa dan keinginan disetiap tahun yang akan dijalani nya. Begitu juga dengan saya. Saya merasa setiap tahunnya selalu saja ada keinginan saya yang masih tetap ingin dicapai. Resolusi yang saya tuliskan pada setiap catatan pikiran saya. Apakah resolusi saya di tahun 2018?
1. Mempunyai seorang anak.
Saya dan suami sudah menikah hampir 4 tahun. Seperti layaknya pasangan suami istri lainnya, kami ingin sekali mempunyai seorang anak. Apalagi jika mengingat hampir semua teman kami sudah mempunyai beberapa anak. Salah satu cara kami ingin mencapai keinginan itu adalah dengan menjaga kesehatan dari dalam maupun luar. Olah raga sudah sering kami lakukan, dari mulai jogging, berenang dan hanya sekedar jalan pagi. Selain itu kami juga berusaha mengkonsumsi makanan sehat seperti sayuran dan buah-buahan. Sebagai pelengkap, kami juga menyertakan vitamin dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Vitamin yang kami pilih adalah Theragran-M, yaitu vitamin yang bagus untuk mempercepat masa penyembuhan. Tidak bisa dipungkiri, cuaca yang berubah-ubah seperti sekarang ini memang membuat badan menjadi rentan dan pada akhirnya jatuh sakit. Maka dari itu untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin dan mineral pada masa penyembuhan setelah sakit, kami jagokan pada Theragran-M. Karena bagi saya dan suami, sakit tidak boleh dipelihara dan dibiarkan berlama-lama. Cukup dengan dosis 1 tablet sehari setelah makan, Theragran-M dapat berfungsi dengan baik terhadap tubuh.
2. Menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak bersama Mama.
Kini Mama saya berusia 71 tahun, fisik beliau masih kuat, namun hanya daya ingat yang sudah menurun. Mama terkena penyakit Demensia sekitar 4 tahun lalu, dan itu membuat saya dan keluarga sangat sedih. Sebagai anak bungsu yang sangat dekat dengan Mama, saya ingin sekali Mama semakin lama semakin membaik. Maka dari itu semua asupan ke dalam tubuh beliau sangat kami perhatikan. Hampir setiap pagi sarapan Mama adalah oatmeal. Selain itu tidak lupa sayuran, buah-buahan dan jus juga kami berikan.
Saya tau fisik beliau masih cukup sehat, namun tetap saja harus dibantu dengan Multivitamin-Mineral yang fungsi nya dapat memulihkan kondisi tubuh setelah sakit, yaitu Theragran-M yang pada akhirnya membuat seluruh keluarga ikut mengkonsumsi nya.
Jika beliau sehat, semua ikut senang. Dan saya selalu mempunyai resolusi untuk bisa lebih banyak waktu lagi bersama Mama saya.
Nah, bicara mengenai resolusi tahun baru 2018, kalian juga jangan lupa untuk selalu menjaga kesehatan. Cukup konsumsi Theragran-M setiap hari sebanyak 1 tablet, agar terhindar dari sakit atau bisa juga untuk mengembalikan kondisi tubuh setelah sakit.
Sekedar informasi, Theragran-M ini mengandung Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3 dan E. Selain itu juga mengandung Mineral Lodium, Besi, Tembaha II, Mangan II, Magnesiun dan Zinc. Sangat lengkap untuk kebutuhan tubuh kita.
Intinya, jika kita mempunyai tubuh yang sehat dan juga happy, kita bisa mencapai resolusi dan keinginan kita disetiap tahunnya. Tinggal bagaimana usaha kita saja untuk membuatnya terjadi.
Kalian sendiri mempunyai resolusi apa? Semoga tercapai ya, di tahun 2018 nanti ☺
Girl With An Attitude
Disclaimer : Artikel ini diikutsertakan dalam lomba blog yang diselenggarakan oleh Blogger Perempuan Network dan Theragran-M
Brun Brun Paris
Saya beli beberapa produk yang menurut saya cukup menarik. Mau tau apa saja? Berikut produknya :
- Blue Bow Set : IDR 14,900,-
Selain bentuknya yang lucu dan manis, pita ini juga sedang discount 50%. Harga asli nya Rp. 29,900,- menjadi Rp. 14,900,- saja!
- Brun Brun Melted Matte Lip Color : IDR 29,900,-
Lipstik berwarna pink muda ini cukup pigmented hasilnya. Hanya sekali ulas, warna fresh pink nya langsung terlihat. Jika digunakan dengan beberapa kali layer, hasilnya akan semakin maksimal. Untuk ketahanannya juga cukup baik, karena jika dipakai untuk minum, warna nya tidak transfer.
- Micellar Water Make Up Remover : IDR 29,900,-
Kemasannya sangat mirip dengan micellar water favorit para beauty blogger, Bioderma. Namun saat digunakan untuk membersihkan make up, saya merasa tidak maksimal dalam menghapus semua bedak, blush on dan lipstik saya. Harus digunakan sekitar 3x baru terasa lebih maksimal. Selain itu saya kurang suka dengan harumnya yang terlalu mencolok. Seperti sedang menggunakan parfum yang berlebihan, namun diwajah.
- Brun Brun Tomate Anti Oxidant Peeling : IDR 69,900,-
Alasan pertama saya membeli produk ini karena bentuknya yang seperti tomat. Apalagi saat pegawai nya bilang ke saya bahwa produk ini selain bisa untuk wajah, bisa juga untuk badan, saya semakin tertarik membeli nya. Teksturnya sendiri creme cair, namun ada sedikit butiran kecil berwarna merah, yang gunanya untuk memberikan peeling pada kulit. Saya belum mencoba produk ini, namun saya yakin pasti akan menyukainya
- Brun Brun Matte Crème Mini Lipsticks : IDR 19,900,-
Sudah lama saya tidak melihat lipstik kecil seperti ini. Maka dari itu saya membelinya. Apalagi dengan tagline lipstik matte pada kemasannya. Saat saya swatch ditangan hasilnya cukup pigmented. Namun saya belum tau bagaimana hasilnya jika dipakai pada bibir.
- Brun Brun Peel Off Mask Reviving Chocolatte : IDR 19,900,-
Meskipun menurut saya kemasannya termasuk sangat kecil (mungkin hanya bisa sekali pakai), namun saya tetap tertarik ingin membelinya. Masker peel off dengan variant coklat ini khusus untuk all skin type. Mungkin saya akan menggunakannya nanti malam, hihi.
- Brun Brun Scorpio Eau De Toilette : IDR 39,900
Parfum ini kemasannya hanya 9 ml, namun harumnya cukup enak. Parfum dengan slogan rasi bintang ini menurut saya cukup menarik. Sepintas terlihat seperti parfum untuk anak kecil, dengan design yang colorful dan menggemaskan. Saya membeli yang Scorpio, sesuai dengan rasi bintang saya ☺
So, itu tadi beberapa produk yang sudah saya review. Namun ada juga yang belum saya gunakan, tapi akan saya review secepatnya. Brun Brun Paris sudah ada dibeberapa Mall di Jakarta dan luar kota. Namun jika kalian ingin membelinya di Pondok Indah Mall, kalian bisa mampir ke :
Brun Brun Paris-
Skywalk PIM 2 Lantai 2, Unit S211
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah Kav. IV/TA
Skywalk PIM 2 Lantai 2, Unit S211
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah Kav. IV/TA
Oh iya, kalian juga bisa liat Youtube channel saya yang membahas mengenai Brun Brun Paris haul. Enjoy!
Girl With An Attitude
Girl With An Attitude
Saturday, December 16, 2017
"The Last Jedi"
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pic from Google |
I watched Star Wars "The Last Jedi" about 3 days ago, and it is still tangling on my head. This movie is so magnificent. I have never seen a movie with such so many epic scenes. It gave me goosebumps. Salute!
As a kid who grew up on State, Star Wars is so familiar to me and my siblings. My brother once had this Darth Vader and Hansolo figure. And as a 3 year old kid, C3PO was a very very favorite of mine. This unique robot really reminds me of my childhood everytime I see Star Wars now.
Back to the "The Last Jedi", this episode is the last episode for Carrie Fisher (who played Princess Leia, whom passed away on April 2017). Maybe that is why it really has so many touchy scenes.
You have too see it by yourself so that's why you'll know what I mean. ☺
"We are the spark that will light the fire"
-Poe, The Last Jedi-
(Source from Wikipedia)
A candle is an ignitable wick embedded in wax or another flammable solid substance such as tallow that provides light, and in some cases, a fragrance. It can also be used to provide heat, or used as a method of keeping time.
A candle is an ignitable wick embedded in wax or another flammable solid substance such as tallow that provides light, and in some cases, a fragrance. It can also be used to provide heat, or used as a method of keeping time.
A candle manufacturer is traditionally known as a chandler. Various devices have been invented to hold candles, from simple tabletop candle holders to elaborate chandeliers.
For a candle to burn, a heat source (commonly a naked flame) is used to light the candle's wick, which melts and vaporizes a small amount of fuel (the wax). Once vaporized, the fuel combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to ignite and form a constant flame. This flame provides sufficient heat to keep the candle burning via a self-sustaining chain of events: the heat of the flame melts the top of the mass of solid fuel; the liquefied fuel then moves upward through the wick via capillary action; the liquefied fuel finally vaporizes to burn within the candle's flame.
So I made this video about my candle collection. Hope you like it ☺
Girl With An Attitude
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Don't Forget to Say "Thank You!"
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pic by me |
Day by day, step by step, we always find something new. We always sees another things whether it's beautiful or it is not. Today I spent my Sunday very well. And also last weekend, and another weekend. When you found yourself you did something good or had something nice, have you say "thank you" to God?
Sometimes we always asked something, wanting and hoping about anything we want to have. We begged. Even we cried just to have it. And if that thing came true, we still asked another thing. Begged and cried again. It's a habit for us. It is never enough.
Then, we always forgot to say "thank you". I mean the "real" thank you. Without asked anything more. I'm sure it's a 20% forgot and a 80% always asked something. But God never been bored about that.
If God always care for us, why can't we care for Him. At least we can say "thank you" and feel blessed about what we had. You can say it anytime and anywhere.
After I write this post, before I go to bed, I'm going to say "thank you" about what I had and feel blessed about it. Just a simple little words that I'll whisper it to Him.
"Thank you!"
Girl With An Attitude.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Karawaci Flavor
Last weekend was a long weekend. So Krishna and I decided to explore Karawaci (eventhough this is not our first time). We went to Benton Junction and we had lunch at this cute Japanese restaurant, KAREI-YA Fusion. The place is soooo cozy and cute. It feels like in a real Japan haha!
What so special about this place is the curry. Yes the curry tasted so good in my tongue. I ordered the Minion Curry menu, and it was oh so cute!
Besides the price is not too expensive, the food also tasted so good. There are so many cute cartoon characters for the curry menu. You guys probably should go there sometime ☺
Karei Ya - Fusion (Tangerang)
Benton Junction
Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya
Karawaci, Tangerang
By the way, you can also check my new Vlog about our one day at Karawaci. Don't forget to like, subscribe and give me some comment guys!
Girl With An Attitude
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Let's contour, baby!
I have these chubby cheeks that I would like to covered off, so I think it would be good if I use some contour. For the entire my life, I have never buy contour for myself. Welp, it's not like I never used it. But, I just didn't not have one for moi!
Then I bought this contour + shimmer from e.l.f (St. Lucia type) which I think is very good for my face.
1. The Packaging :
I think the packaging is simple yet nice, with this black dove color and some white font. The size is not too big but also not small at all. But for me, this contour absolutely will be fit in my make up pouch. And also it has a mirror!
2. The Colors :
Those two colors are so pretty! The orange one is for shimmer and blush for the cheeks. Meanwhile the brown one is for the contour.
3. The Quality :
Eventhough these colors has a hint of shimmer, but they also very pigmented. Only for one brush, the color will blended into your skin. It's a very natural beauty. I just looooove it! You can also build up the color so that way the contour will be very teriffic!
So yeah, this contour is my first but also my favorite ever! The packaging is simple and good, the colors are pretty, very pigmented and also not too expensive. What else can I say? ☺
I think I'll give 8,5 point for this contour. How about you?
Girl With An Attitude
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Sometimes, all we want to do is relax and enjoy the life. Without thinking about something important. With no issues in our days. All we want to do is have a good moment. Only that.
It's like all we want to have is the weekends. Only Saturdays and Sundays in this life.
Today, I had a good Sunday. I had some coffee and chill out with my husband and some friends. I just don't want this to be over. I only want to have a warm situation. Everyday.
Can't wait to have my other weekends ahead ☺
Girl With An Attitude
Bath & Bodyworks Haul
I am so in love with this Winter Edition Bath & Bodyworks. So I made this video haul about it. For your information, this edition is sooooo nice! I mean, I love all of the smells ❤
Girl With An Attitude
Friday, November 24, 2017
Winter Imagination
I imagine there is a snow here. A very beautiful snow thrown away from the sky. Soft like a cotton. Shining like a diamond. We see it from the inside of our cozy house.
Meanwhile, Krishna and I sipping some hot chocolate with marshmallows on top. Eating cookies, ginger bread, and many sweets like there is no tomorrow.
Then we watch movies. A Christmas movies such as Home Alone 2, The Grinch, The Holiday and many sweet stories to tell.
We are cuddling with our warm sweaters and cute socks. Holding hands and kissing around.
And feel blessed because we always surrounded by love. Some kind of forever love that we will always feel and spread to everybody that we knows.
Winter with much love is more that I wanted right now ❤
Girl With An Attitude
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Honey Pie
"Honey pie you are making me crazy
I'm in love but I'm lazySo won't you please come home
Oh honey pie my position is tragic
Come and show me the magic
Of your Hollywood song.."
- The Beatles-
What I Wore :
Sweater : Pull & Bear
Jeans : Pull & Bear
Sunglasses : Pull & Bear
Shoes : Vans
Bag : Longchamp
Girl With An Attitude
Friday, November 17, 2017
Good Morning, Friday..
It is 09.05 am now, and I am at the office. It's weird, because lately I really don't have a mood to go to the office. I feel bored. I feel lazy and not productive enough. But today's a little bit different. I feel like, happy and ready to rock the Friday.
Yeah, I realized that today is Friday. It means tomorrow is weekend. And today I'm wearing a new sweater (welp, actually my old sweater, but I've never wearing it to the office). Also, I'm wearing a nail polish after a long time. The good thing is, my nail polish has this sweet scents such as cupcakes. So on my finger hands, I'm wearing a nail polish with a Cinnamon scent. And on my finger feet, I'm wearing it with a Chocolate Mousse scent. I am happy or what?! ☺
Maybe that's the reason why I feel happy today.
Happy Friday to you all. Be kind always ❤
Girl With An Attitude
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Style Crush : Olimpia Zagnoli
My style crush this time is an Illustrator from Italy name Olimpia Zagnoli. I mean, look at her! She is such a nerd with a classy style. The reason why I love all of her designs because all of them are so colorful, fun and always shows about woman. And also, Olimpia herself is very stylish, nerdy, quirky and wearing a big glasses same as me ☺
Super laffff about her. If you wanna know more about her, you can Google her and you will find so many so many so many cute artwork from her ❤
(all pictures are from Google)
Girl With An Attitude
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
On 8th November 2017, I'm officially 36 years old! Yay, I'm old..haha..
So, I just wanna say thank you soooo much for the good wishes from my family, best friends, friends and colleagues. I hope you all will have the same good vibes. Amen ❤
And you know what, I got a best birthday gift ever from Krishna (welp, actually every gifts from him are the best!). But, because lately I am so in love with the Vans Checkerboard slip on, so I think it's like a dream came true ☺
Also I got this classic The Beatles, White Album vinyl. I was like wooooooaaahhh...
White Album is our favorite album, because the song "Honey Pie" it reminds me of how Krishna used to call me ❤
So yeah, I think my birthday went very well. I feel blessed and loved. Thank you, God ❤
Girl With An Attitude
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Short Hair Don't Care
As you can see, I'm a big fan of short hair. I always chopped my hair into bob, and with bangs off course ☺
Because I think short hair is very flexible and simple, so I made this video about 8 ways to style your short hair. It's a very simple way to try.
Hope you can do it as fun as I do ❤
Girl With An Attitude
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Videos :
I realized I haven't updated about some of my new videos on my Youtube channel. So, because it is already a new month, then I am going to show you my new videos. Enjoy ☺
Currently Favorite Things (part 7)
Ovi Tested Something : "Chocolates Under IDR 12.000,-
#OviSaidSomeWords : "Blessed."
Thank you for watching! ❤
Girl With An Attitude
Monday, October 30, 2017
The Fruits On My Skin
How many of you loves to eat fruits? And how many of you loves to use some beauty products that contain fruits as me as well? Our body really need fruits because of the nutrition. And so do our skin. Because it can also give nutrition for your skin, make it healthy and also glowing.
I am going to tell you some of my favorite products that contain fruits and I really really loves currently :
I absolutely love and adore this scrub!!! This product really has a very nice and sweet scents like a real peach. Everytime I use this scrub, I never wash my body with soap again. Because this scrub really make my skin clean, healthy and also the smell can tangled on my skin for a day ❤
The first time I saw this body sorbet, I was like "I have to buy thooooseeeee...!". Actually the body sorbet has three variants : Watermelon, Kiwi and Pineapple. But I bought the Kiwi (because the Warermelon was sold out!). Besides body sorbet, it also came out with scrubs. I used this product about a week ago, and I think this Kiwi body sorbet is really good and has this cool thingy sensation everytime I put it. Besides, this product is really cheap. So you better buy it or less you missed it!
I always love watermelon, yes I do! My best friend had this product once, and she told me that I should buy it, because it is soooo me! So yeah, I bought it about a month ago, and from the moment I bought it, I really can't get this product out of my head. The smell, Ooooh My Gooood...really really sweet and romantic. It's soft, moist and blended well into my hands. I just love it!
And those are my favorite beauty products that has scents fruit and really makes my skin healthy. So tell me, which fruits that you really love? ☺
Girl With An Attitude
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Currently looking for these!
Woot woot! So, in about a few weeks, I'm going to have a birthday! Birthday is always a good thing for me. But maybe because the more we're having a birthday, the more we are older, I'm kinda not so-in-the-mood to remember my birthday (I'm old y'all!)
Still, speaking about birthday is also speaking about gifts / presents, haha. But for me, it is not always that. The most important thing is, we celebrate it with the people we love.
Meanwhile, this birthday girl 'going to be' has so many things that she loves to have :
1. Fish bowl :
About a yearsss ago I had two fishes that I really loved. I put them in my room. Their name were Fishy and Wishy. So, currently I feel like I want to have a fishes again. This time, I'm going to put it in my living room. And hmm, I have to give them some names. Any idea, anyone?
This is a to die for to me! I always wanted to have these shoes. And yes, I always loved Vans! I think this shoes are very cool, simple, trendy, and last forever. I used to have The Beatles Vans shoes that I like, but I think this one will also gonna be my favorite!
3. Disposable Camera :
Say cheeeese! Yes, I am going to say cheese if I have this disposable camera. I am one of those girl who's always love camera and taking a picture. I'm an Instax camera type of girl, but hey I also curious about this cute simple camera ☺
This one is a local product, and a good one! I have the liptsick and also the sunblock. And when I see these new bodies treatment, I feel like I can smell it. And the variant scents are from my favorite fruits : Watermelon, Kiwi and Pineapple. Can you see how cute are the packagings and colors? ❤
5. Anya Hindmarch Bag :
I know this bag is tooo way expensive, but I just love it! Because I always love Anya Hindmarch style (eventhough Kate Spade and Cath Kidston are always the best!) I think this bag is simple yet classy. I love the grey color, because it looks how expensive the bag is. Hehe..
6. Leather Camera Case :
And this one is for my Instax Square camera. I bought this camera about a months ago, and it's kinda expensive. So, I think for the goodness, I really need a case for it. A leather case that really thick and good. Besides I also need the case so I can tangled it around my neck ☺
And those are my currently things that I am looking for. Hopefully I can get them at least two or three of them. I think I better 'make a wish' for it, haha!
* (all pics are from Google)
Girl With An Attitude
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