Friday, July 4, 2014

The Holy month

Today is the 6th day for Moslem doing their fasting in this month. It is Ramadhan month. People say that Ramadhan is 'The Holy month' to all of Moslem. Maybe is true. Because in this month, people always increase their worship. I believe we all increase our Shalat time and praying time. Which is good I think. But, what about after Ramadhan? What will it be if the Ramadhan is over? Does people still care about praying? About how to act nicer to everyone else and about their fasting. No eating or drinking allowed? 

I think that's the point of Ramadhan or holy itself. With or without Ramadhan, we all people must do those things. Must have a good heart, without counting how much the reward or merit we can get. Well, it depends to themselves by the way. I remember, I wrote this post about Ramadhan also. And still, sometimes I have this 'question mark'. 


Kenapa hanya di saat bulan Puasa saja orang-orang
berlomba-lomba untuk bersabar?
Untuk beribadah?
Dan untuk bersikap baik?
Apa kabar jika di bulan-bulan yang lain?
Orang-orang pasti nya sudah berubah lagi!

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