Friday, September 22, 2017

How Often Do You Meditate?

Are you a type of person who loves to meditate? Or at least love to make yourself feel comfortable and relax? I have to admit, I love meditate. I love do meditation. In every way. The first time I did meditaton was about 10 years ago, I guess. And that was the first time my mom taught me how to do Yoga. To make myself more calm and relax. 

Nowadays, there are so many applications you can dowload on your Android or Iphone. And one of it is : Headspace

Lately, I really love this application. You can do meditation everyday on everytime. 

First of all, I love how the look of this application. Because it's colorful and fun. And you can choose the type of the meditation. You have to create an account first, and then log in. You can find soooo many types of meditations. Meditation for sleep, anger, relax, happines and many more. I choose the package for 10 days. And I just did the 3 days now, yay! 

I just feel like it makes me more calm and happy. My body and soul are mixed very well. It's like I achieved some goal, haha!

So, if you really want to try this meditation, you can download it on Google Play. Seriously, you won't regret it.

"Meditation has been shown to reduce daily stress and perceived stress" -Headspace-

Girl With An Attitude

1 comment:

Wakanda Man said...

meditation nice, I like meditation in morrning because the sun is there, i like in the rain also. what many do you meditation ?

Greeting from India, my name is Syakhakha