Monday, January 12, 2015

Sweet Sunday!

Yesterday was a nice day, because finally I met one of my favorite blogger, Diana Rikasari. I mean c'mon, I adored her since the first time I've started blogged. It was about 7 years ago. I adored her because of her unique yet cute style, her quotes, her attitude and the way she express herself. I think she's one of a very talented girl in the world. She can write, she can design, she can play guitar, she can sing, and she is a good mommy to her beloved son.

I went to Pondok Indah Mall yesterday, and when I just walked from the Street Gallery, there she was at Famous Amos bought something. With the husband and the son besides her. Then I asked my nephew to hold my handphone and take a picture of me and Diana. I asked Diana whether I can take a pic with her. Then she said sure! Yaynesss...

She was so cute and also nice. She wore this Minnie Mouse sweater and those cherry earrings. For your information, I was so nervous when I talked to her. Hihi.

It was a very nice day I had. Happy happy me! :) 

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