Friday, September 2, 2016

Hello September!

Last night I heard this bad news. One of my dear friend, Endah, lost her father. I was like, "Oh, my God I just can't believe it!". My heart was sad and imagined her crying :(

So this morning, I went to her house to give her my deep condolence. When I went there and saw her, she hugged me and cried. And I cried. Very cried. I can feel her pain. Her sadness. Her lost. It was a very sad moment.

She said something to me : "Ovi, lucky you, you still have your parents. Please do take care of them. Because if they're gone, you will be sad. It won't be the same anymore". And then I cried. I shed a tears. 

Lucky me I still have my parents. I still have my mom and my dad. I feel blessed. So blessed. And it makes me want to hug my parents and tell them I always love them forever. Yes, forever will be.

PS : I dedicated this post to Endah. I hope and I pray she'll be fine. 

Girl With An Attitude

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