Thursday, November 12, 2015


I don't know, but lately I just feel this excitement about many things. I feel like there are so many good things in front of me. I feel this excitement about moving into our own house. I feel excitement about The Corrs will be release their new album, "White Light" by this November (around 27th November). I feel excitement about Coldplay that also will be release their new album on December. I feel excitement that The Corrs will be perform in Java Jazz on March 2016 (hopefully not tentative). I feel excitement about decorate our own house with so many cute and nice stuffs. I feel excitement about our plan to go on travelling in 2016 (Krishna and I have so many destination places that we'd like to go). 

And also, I feel excitement about today is my Daddy's birthday. He's turning 76th years today. And I'm proud with that. I'm proud that he is still healthy, strong, handsome, happy and blessed by God. 

Thank you God, for giving me so many excitements in my life. I'm happy with that. 

Precious feelings and precious things :)

Girl With An Attitude


Mary Andrikus said...

Sooo happy and excited as well to read this! I hope you will always have an awesome and super life! :)

ovi siregar said...

Thank youuuu..samw wish to you too :)