Sunday, March 26, 2017

Lately, I was just thinking. Life is very fast. Moving so fast. Life is unstable. Shaking and confusing. I saw my picture when Krishna and I went to Japan for our honeymoon about 3 years ago. And it's like "time flies, dude..". Well, isn't it? The moment I saw the picture of us in Japan, then the next day, I'm sitting right here, at my house, on midnight, and trying to write something on my blog. Feeling exciting to do travel again. I'm waiting for the time that I can fly to another place. Stay there for a couple of days. Trying to relax and forget the "boring days" that I have while I'm at the office. 

The reason why I write this post is because, I was just wondering, why is time has to be so fast? Can I just pause it? And always have the same good things in my life?

Seems I regret it??

Nope. I'm not. But I just like it if something good always around me. That's all.

Good night. ❤

Girl With An Attitude

Bukit Tinggi, Padang

So sorryyyyy..this post is a veeeeeeery late post. 👏

Two weeks ago, my office had outing at Bukit Tinggi, Padang. It was the first time for me to go to that place. And I think it's quiet good. The weathers so chill. The foods good. The views are amazing. A new adventure for me, I guess ☺

We stayed there for 3 days 2 nights, and I captured some of views with my Fuji Film Instax, as usual hehe..

For me, went to Bukit Tinggi is one of my favorite things in my life. I never knew that I will go to that place and enjoy all the view and also the foods. Well, I think you guys should also go there either ❤

Girl With An Attitude