Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stockings fever!

I'm so in love with these stockings!

(picture from Google)

Just saying.....

Tonight I'm all alone. And you cannot imagine how much I miss Krishna so much! Tonight he will be perform at Tebet, and sadly, I cannot join with him because I'm not feeling so well. My throat sore, and I always sneezing. I guees I'm going to have a flu. Darn!
I miss him. Because lately, he's sooo busy like crazy. Escpecially when he's already got a job. But I am so proud of him. Eventhough he stucks with this office thingy, but he still can play music with The Upstairs and his Visco. *I'm a proud girlfriend*.
Ok then. Krishna will be perform for about a minutes. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here at home, blogging and listening to Coldplay songs.
Hope Krishna will have a great performance tonight. Yeah, I'm sure he will! :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

If I were a boy

 Tiba-tiba terinspirasi menulis ini. Sambil mendengarkan lagu dari Beyonce yang berjudul diatas, saya langsung berpikir, belakangan ini seperti nya sungguh enak ya apabila bisa menjadi seorang pria? Saya ingin bisa merasakan pulang malam tanpa harus dicari oleh orang-orang, tanpa harus diomeli jika pulang telat sedikit saja. Sangat enak rasa nya apabila kita bisa mencintai atau menyayangi wanita yang kharismatik seperti Ibu kita sendiri. Yang kelak wanita itu akan menjadi Ibu dari anak-anak saya. Sungguh enak apabila bisa menonjok orang atau berkata kasar jika sedang mengendarai motor dijalan. Sangat enak apabila merasakan menjadi seorang pengamen sambil membawa gitar, atau hanya sekedar menjadi supir angkot. Sungguh enak jika tidak perlu merasakan nyeri haid setiap bulannya. Dan yang paling penting, berperang terhadap emosi sendiri akibat hormon yang tidak stabil saat adanya pre-menstrual syndrome.
Sangat enak jika bisa melakukan hal jorok seperti tidak mandi selama berhari-hari, atau setidaknya bangun tidur sampai dengan tengah hari, tanpa harus dianggap wanita yang pemalas (karena biasanya wanita identik dengan bangun pagi hari). Sungguh enak apabila bisa mendatangi wanita yang kita suka saat tiba-tiba melihat wanita manis di sebuah mall, dan tidak sungkan untuk meminta nomor handphone nya. Sungguh enak apabila bisa bercinta dengan banyak wanita, tanpa harus takut hamil dan dicaci sebagai wanita tidak benar.
Pria, yang dimana terkadang merupakan makhluk yang paling egois, seegos-egoisnya di dunia, namun sangat dibutuhkan peran sertanya didalam hidup. Kelak Pria akan menjadi pemimpin dalam rumah tangga, Imam saat sedang sholat bersama Istri dan anak-anak, menjadi seseorang yang selalu diandalkan apabila tengah malam tiba-tiba mati lampu, atau sekedar mengangkat galon air mineral. Dan menjadi sosok yang penyayang dan pelindung untuk wanita-wanita yang lemah. Maka dari itu selalu saja Pahlawan ataupun tokoh jagoan selalu dominan Pria. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man, dan lain-lain. Karena hanya Pria lah yang bisa mengatasi segala hal menyulitkan didalam hidup. Meskipun terkadang mereka juga lah yang menjadi bagian datri hal menyulitkan tersebut.
"If I were a boy, I think I could understand.
How it feels to love a girl, I swear I'd be a better man"


This is just too nice :)

I know that I'm not celebrate Christmas, but like I said on my last post, I always said Merry Christmas to the person who's celebrated. And also to the people that I adore or like. Blogging is one of my favorite things for about these past 5 years, because simply, I really love writing. On my 5th blogging journey, I have found many of nice and creative Blog, although I don't know those people. I always try to update my blog everyday, or at least once a week. And everytime I blog something, I always blog walking these great blogs from my favorite bloggers : A Beautiful Mess, Love Taza, and Skunkboy Creatures. Because I think, their blogs are awesome!
On Christmas, I was just tweeted them on Twitter to say "Merry Christmas". And hey, they're replied my tweet! Ha ha, I was like "Wow, my gosh, I got a replied from my favorite bloggers".
A Beautiful Mess

Love Taza

Skunkboy Creatures

Thank you so much girls. You girls are so insipring me! :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Rain Song

This is the springtime of my loving - the second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing - so little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing - I watched the fire that grew so low.

It is the summer of my smiles - flee from me Keepers of the Gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes. It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize - These things are clear to all from
time to time.

Talk Talk - I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go. I cursed the gloom that set upon us...
But I know that I love you so

These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall.
- Led Zeppelin-

Vintage ring

I'm in love with this vintage ring that has a Peter Pan picture in it.
It takes you to the fairy tales story that you used to know when you were a kid :)

If only

.. I could have a time machine, I absolutely gonna skip my days into January.
That's all! :)

Monday, December 24, 2012

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas

Saya memang tidak merayakan hari Natal, namun saya sangat suka dengan suasana Natal dan lagu-lagunya. Karena menurut saya suasana Natal sangat lah syahdu, begitu pula dengan lagu-lagunya. Correct me if I'm wrong, tapi menurut saya, apa salahnya sih mengucapkan hari Natal atau pun hari Raya lainnya kepada penganut agama lain? Tidak ada salah dan dosanya kok menurut saya. Katanya kita sebagai manusia harus saling menghormati antar sesama, jadi menurut saya dengan mengucapkan, itu adalah bentuk dari rasa hormat terhadap agama dan budaya lain.
Saya mempunyai beberapa teman yang beragama Kristen dan merayakan Natal. Jadi menurut saya hukumnya wajib bagi saya untuk mengucapkan ke mereka. Karena saya sayang dengan mereka dan sangat menghormati mereka. Seandainya Santa Clause benar ada dan saya boleh minta diberi kado, saya rasa akan segera saya lakukan, hehe.
Oh iya btw, saya sangat senang dengan suasana Mall apabila sedang menjelang Natal. Dekorasinya sangat cantik dan penuh dengan lampu-lampu. Salah satunya di Pacific Place ini. Saya suka sekali dengan keindahan dan suasana Natal yang ada.
Ini adalah salah satu lagu Natal favorit saya :

 Frank Sinatra - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Selamat Hari Raya Natal bagi semua teman-teman yang merayakan.
Let your heart be light :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012


"Good night my sweetest lullaby.
Please play me your sweetest song.
Until we meet in my sweetest dream,
and make love with my sweetest mood"
For :  Krishna

Video of the week


The Sundays - Summertime
“And it's you and me in the summertime.
We'll be hand in hand down in the park.
With a squeeze & a sigh & that twinkle in your eye, and all the sunshine banishes the dark”

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cemburu dengan waktu

Terkadang saya cemburu dengan si waktu. Karena dia bisa lebih lama memiliki waktu bersama sang kekasih saya. Terkadang saya ingin bisa lebih banyak waktunya bertemu daripada si waktu. Karena setiap saya bertemu dengan sang kekasih, sepertinya waktu tidak akan pernah cukup. Untuk menunggu bertemu dia kembali sepertinya sangat lama. Saya tidak sabar. Sementara si waktu bisa dengan senang hati menemui sang kekasih hati kapan saja dia mau. Bahkan saat sang kekasih ingin tidur dan memejamkan mata sekalipun.
Hey waktu, berikanlah saya kesempatan untuk menambah waktu saya bertemu dengan sang kekasih hati saya. Mengalah dong sedikit saja. Saya kan rindu. Dan ingin rasanya setiap detik bertemu. Ingin rasanya sang kekasih hati selalu bisa bersama saya, dan berada disebelah saya seterusnya. Agar saya tidak cemburu lagi dengan si waktu. Yang dengan suka-suka nya mencuri waktuku untuk bertemu dengan sang kekasih hati yang selalu ku rindu dan ku tunggu.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life Of Pi

Nothing more I can say expect, Touchy!
I don't mind if I have to watch it twice, or maybe a hundred times


taken from
Sometimes enjoying your self on Sunday is the best way
before you go back on your rutinities and meet your craziness on the new weekdays!

Top 10 most haunted places

1. Borley Rectory
The haunting of the Borley Rectory during the 1920s and 1930s, is undoubtedly one of the most famous in Britain, as well as being one of the most controversial. The wealth of sightings and experiences by independent witnesses, suggests that although much of the phenomena can be explained in rational terms, a percentage remains which can still be seen as inexplicable at the present time.
2. The Whaley House
Author deTraci Regula relates her experiences with the house: “Over the years, while dining across the street at the Old Town Mexican Cafe, I became accustomed to noticing that the shutters
of the second-story windows [of the Whaley House] would sometimes open while we ate dinner, long after the house was closed for the day. On a recent visit, I could feel the energy in several spots in the house, particularly in the courtroom, where I also smelled the faint scent of a cigar, supposedly Whaley’s calling-card. In the hallway, I smelled perfume, initially attributing that to the young woman acting as docent, but some later surreptitious sniffing in her direction as I talked to her about the house revealed her to be scent-free.
3. Raynham Hall
Aynham Hall is a country house in Norfolk, England. For 300 years it has been the seat of the Townshend family. The hall gave its name to the area, known as East Raynham, and is reported to be haunted, providing the scene for possibly the most famous ghost photo of all time, the famous Brown Lady descending the staircase. However, the ghost has not been reported since the photo was taken. Its most famous resident was Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend (1674-1738), leader in the House of Lords.

4. The Myrtles Plantation
The Myrtles Plantation was built in 1796 by General David Bradford and called Laurel Grove. Touted as “one of America’s most haunted homes”, the plantation is supposedly home of at least 12 ghosts.[9] It is often reported that 10 murders occurred in the house, but historical records only indicate the murder of William Winter. Possibly the most well known of the Myrtles supposed ghosts, Chloe (sometimes Cleo) was reportedly a slave owned by Clark and Sara Woodruff. According to one story, Clark Woodruff had pressured or forced Chloe into being his mistress. Chloe and Clark were caught by Sara Woodruff, and Chloe began to listen at keyholes, trying to learn what would happen to her.
5. Eastern State Penitentiary
Designed by John Haviland and opened in 1829, Eastern State is considered to be the world’s first true penitentiary. Its revolutionary system of incarceration, dubbed the Pennsylvania System, originated and encouraged solitary confinement as a form of rehabilitation. On June 1st, 2007 a television show called “Most Haunted” went live to the penitentiary. Part of the group went to Al Capones cell. Two people passed out while “investigating” the prison. One member of the team, Yvette, stated that “this is the most evil place I have ever been.” They claimed to have had contact with spirits but there was no hard evidence that their claims were legitimate.
6. The Tower Of London
Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress The Tower of London, more commonly known as the Tower of London (and historically simply as The Tower), is an historic monument in central London, England on the north bank of the River Thames. Perhaps the most well-known ghostly resident of the Tower is the spirit of Ann Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry VIII, who was also beheaded in the Tower in 1536. Her ghost has been spotted on many occasions, sometimes carrying her head, on Tower Green and in the Tower Chapel Royal.
7. Wavery Hills Sanatorium
Waverly Hills Sanatorium, located in Louisville, Kentucky, opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients. It has been popularized on television as being one of the “most haunted” hospitals in the eastern United States, and was seen on ABC/FOX Family Channel’s Scariest Places On Earth as well as VH1′s Celebrity Paranormal Project. It was also seen on the Sci Fi Channel’s Ghost Hunters. Ghost investigators
who have ventured into Waverly have reported a host of strange paranormal phenomena, including voices of unknown origin, isolated cold spots and unexplained shadows. Screams have been heard echoing in its now abandoned hallways, and fleeting apparitions have been encountered
8. The Queen Mary
RMS Queen Mary is an ocean liner that sailed the North Atlantic Ocean from 1936 to 1967 for Cunard Line (then Cunard White Star Line). The Queen Mary was purchased by the city of Long Beach, California in 1967 and transformed into a hotel. The most haunted area of the ship is the engine room where a 17-year-old sailor was crushed to death trying to escape a fire. Knocking and banging on the pipes around the door has been heard and recorded by numerous people. In what is now the front desk area of the hotel, visitors have seen the ghost of a “lady in white.” Ghosts of childrenare said to haunt the ship’s pool.
9. The White House
The home of the presidents of the United States. President Harrison is said to be heard rummaging around in the attic of the White House, looking for who knows what. President Andrew Jackson is thought to haunt his White House bedroom. And the ghost of First Lady Abigail Adams was seen floating through one of the White House hallways, as if carrying something. The most frequently sighted presidential ghost has been that of Abraham Lincoln. Eleanor Roosevelt once stated she believed she felt the presence of Lincoln watching her as she worked in the Lincoln bedroom. Also during the Roosevelt administration, a young clerk claimed to have actually seen the ghost of Lincoln sitting on a bed pulling off his boots.
10. Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle is reputed to be one of the most haunted spots in Scotland. And Edinburgh itself has been called the most haunted city in all of Europe. On various occasions, visitors to the castle have reported a phantom piper, a headless drummer, the spirits of French prisoners from the Seven Years War and colonial prisoners from the American Revolutionary War – even the ghost of a dog wandering in the grounds’ dog cemetery
 (taken from )



Inspirasi datang dengan tiba-tiba.
Belakangan sedang mengalir dengan derasnya ke dalam tubuh dan jiwa saya.
Saya bercinta dengan inspirasi!

Black Milk Clothing

  These are my favorites :


See this cool brand on Black Milk Clothing

Happy 9 months


It's already 9 months since we became a lovers. All I know is I'm happy. He's happy. We all happy. We fall in love on each other on everyday single moment.
Happily ever after! 


Akhir tahun sudah hampir kita temui kembali. Kini sudah pertengahan Desember. Bulan dimana merupakan bulan dipenghujung tahun. Banyak sekali yang membuat resolusi setiap tahunnya. Berharap agar ditahun selanjutnya dapat menjadi pribadi yang jauh lebih baik dan dewasa. "End year wish" ini banyak sekali kita baca di Twitter, atau dimanapun yan sifatnya media sosial.
Kalau saya ditanya apa wish saya atau harapan saya atau keinginan saya, saya tidak akan bilang wish. Melainkan wishes. Iya wishes. Yaitu beberapa permintaan, beberapa harapan, beberapa keinginan. Bentuknya jamak. Karena lebih dari satu. Permintaan saya banyak. Iya, karena yang namanya manusia pasti tidak hanya ingin mempunyai satu keinginan, namun banyak. Karena manusia banyak sekali mau nya.
Namun pertanyaan saya adalah, sebenarnya ini bukan lebih ke masalah akhir tahun atau resolusinya, namun yang namanya permintaan dan keinginan kan tidak hanya bisa kita lakukan saat akhir tahun saja. Melainkan kapan saja juga bisa. Tapi dengan banyaknya permintaan itu, apakah Tuhan akan mengabulkan semuanya? Yang saya tahu, Tuhan hanya mengabulkan sesuatu yang memang kita butuhkan. Jadi, jika kita mengharapkan sesuatu namun bagi Dia tidak kita butuhkan, maka tidak akan dikabulkan. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Jika kita tidak mengharapkan sesuatu, namun bagi Dia pantas untuk kita, maka kita harus menerimanya meskipun kita tidak suka atau tidak mau.
Jadi kalau wishes kita banyak, Tuhan akan kelimpungan atau tidak mengingat dan mewujudkannya? Satu persatu akan diseleksi dan dicocokkan mana kira-kira yang pantas. Maka, untuk saya pribadi, saya berharap semoga apa yang saya inginkan, semoga dikabulkan dan diwujudkan oleh-Nya. Semoga bagi Tuhan itu semua memang pantas dan yang saya butuhkan. Amin :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Happy weekend

On last weekend, Me and Krishna was about to made a video with us playing music. And this one, is a song that I've been wrote about 3 years ago. I never sang it to anybody, until we made this video. I know I'm not a good singer (hehe), but well, I just wanna sing my song, that's all :)
So, here is the lyric :
"Twinkle Eyes"
       When I look at you, oh you looked so true
I just wanna hold you
Then I fall for you, and everything is new
I just wanna feel you
* This feeling dancing on my mind
And this feeling dancing on my mind
# You're my twinkle eyes
With your lovely smile
You're my twinkle eyes
Oh, you look so bright
You're my twinkle eyes
And the stars so shine
You're my twinkle eyes
You're my twinkle eyes

Sunday, December 2, 2012


"If you see two people fallin in love, just let them. Because maybe,
they are trying to put their dreams together, and trying to make it happen"


Sixth sense

"SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information"

I'm watching 'Just Alvin' on Metro TV right now, and the theme of todays episode is about "Sixth Sense". Everytime I hear about the word Sixth Sense, all I know is something horror. And I don't really like it, actually. As far as I know, if someone has a gift or God chose them to be "the choosen one", they should not tell or expose about their 'talent'. I mean, the world does not has to know. Just keep it for themselves. Because I think it won't be good to that people.

I believe, if we have a gift, or something 'different' in ourselves, we just have to enjoy it and try to having it in a better way. I don't like horror movie or something spooky. But I really appreciate about it. If someone tell me about their gift, I was like "Ok, nice to know", hehe.

Ok, now let's just forget about this Sixth sense stuff. But if you really want to know, then you should read this article : 'What is sixth sense?'

Bye Bye November

It's already December now, it means, goodbye November. My month. I always like November, because that month, was the day that I was born. And also my dad. So November is really special for us. When you enjoyed something, you feel like that thing is really gone so fast. Time flies. I feel like, November was just about to starts, but the truth is, November was ends. Now is December, the 2nd of December, actually. So many things that I had on November. And I loved it! :)
I hope December will be a good month for me. December is the end of the month on every year. So I really hope it well be special. There will be Christmas (I always like Christmas atmosphere, eventough I don't celebrate it), and there will be New Year's eve. Yay!
After December 2012, I just can't wait to starting my plans. Yes, I have so many plans! Hopefully will be come true soon. Amen. Welcome, dear December :)

Playing music

-Ekspedisi Antariksa by Krishna featuring Ovi-
"Music is life.
That's why our hearts have beats"