Coming soon
Only in theatre
..aku akan menjagamu seperti aku menjaga tubuhku.
..aku akan menyayangmu seperti aku menyayangi diriku.
..aku akan mencintaimu seperti aku mencintai jiwaku.
You know what, i was blogwalking somebody's blog. And then i
found a lil bit "look a like"between her blog
and my blog. She copied one of my poem,
she copied my profile at friendster and then she wrote it at "about me" in her blog.Ow dear God!! What the hell is wrong with
her? Such a pitty that she doesn't have her own
creativity..*poor you girl*Actually i don't see any "good things" in her
what-so-ever-blog...hahahaha...(Laughing out loud!!!)
Tadi angin berbisik padaku, katanya aku disuruh melupakanmu..
tapi aku ragu, bisakah aku melakukan itu?
"Dear God,Good luck for myself! :)
Bless me for today, tomorrow.. and until the end of my life! Please let
me be the person that have a "good and precious" moments in this life. Amin."